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Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck
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Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck
Score: 4.80 (votes: 5)
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  • $18.95

This luminous 44-card deck is imbued with Kim Dreyer’s artistic vision and her passion for the natural and the supernatural elements we encounter on our soul paths. She has created Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck to help guide others to a deeper level of consciousness and a more harmonious life. The deck introduces chakras, angels, and spirit guides as it awakens the spirit and rekindles the connection between the cosmos and the earth. The guidebook contains insightful interpretations to help you discover the Divine Feminine wisdom each card carries. 

Includes 44 cards and 44-page booklet.

The purpose of these cards is also to awaken you to the beautiful, unique human being that you are and to remind you that you have valuable gifts and lessons to share with all of humanity.

—Kim Dreyer, from the Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck

    • SKU
    • Weight
      0.65 lb(s)
  • ISBN
  • Size
    Cards measure 3.5” x 5.25”
  • Language
  • Author
    Kim Dreyer
  • Artist
    Kim Dreyer
Also by the Same Author

What Customers Are Saying About Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck

Oh what a lovely deck!  I’m intrigued by the idea behind this deck and I have been exploring possibilities!  My first impression of this deck was that each of the 44 cards is a Journey within a bigger Journey.  The card backs are full of interesting symbols too: The Seven Chakras, Phases of the Moon, Sacred Geometry, The Tree of Life and Angel Wings.  Look closer and you will see that the Chakras have ribbons of color that show you what area you’re working with.  For Example the Root Chakra Symbol’s ribbon of color flows downward into the Earth where you see tree roots.  I like this image and I feel it represents the deck perfectly.  The box is flip top and comes with 44 cards and a 44-page guidebook.  The image on the front of the box is card 24 Third Eye Chakra and the image on the back is card 18 Air Elemental. When you look up your card in the guidebook you will see an expanded interpretation or what I would consider advice. 

Kim Dreyer numbered these cards in the order that will take you on a Journey to finding your unique path.  She cautions that this isn’t a quick fix and the guidance they offer requires input and work.  “The cards were designed to gently and lovingly share their wisdom and the wisdom of the universe with you, allowing you to find your soul’s purpose and in so doing, raise the energy of earth and bring about healing, compassion, and love for all life.”

I can’t help but feel that this deck will speak to many who will be guided by the gentle energy and wisdom it holds.  The images are gentle on the eye, beautiful and layered in a unique way that I think most people will find intriguing.  Overall, I like this deck and I especially like the way the artist has shared her vision with us. 

I’m unable to pick a favorite card because each one seems to speak volumes and I like them all! 

—Mary Nale, Nale and Company blogspot

I love the spirit of this deck, with its dramatic images and compelling messages. Each scene creates an enchanting atmosphere or world that pulls me into its depths, making these cards perfect for meditation or an inspirational daily or weekly draw. I am looking forward to trying them with some of my favorite tarot spreads as well. The deck reflects universal themes and experiences yet also has a highly personal feel that is certain to give it broad appeal.

The cards can be grouped as follows:

•   Chakras (5-Root, 10-Sacral, 13-Solar Plexus, 17-Heart, 20-Throat, 24-Third Eye, 26-Crown)

•   Elementals (6-Earth, 14-Fire, 18-Air, 11-Water)

•   Archangels (9-Raphael, 16-Michael, 22-Gabriel)

•   Triple Goddess(19-A Nurturing Heart-Mother, 38-Forest Frolic-Maiden, 39-Flames of Wisdom-Crone)

•   Other Characters (8-The Healer, 25-Spirit Guides, 33-Sun Goddess, 34-Earth Angel, 35-Nature Spirits, 41-Moon Goddess)

•   Concepts/Messages: (1-Spirit Awareness, 2-Meditation, 3-Transformation, 4-Gratitude, 7-Sacred Space, 12-Reach Out, 15-Find Your Bliss, 21-Your Own Path, 23-The Present, 27-Spark of Divine, 28-Release, 29-Balance, 30-Reach for Your Dreams, 31-Embrace Change, 32-Movement Meditation, 36-Abundance, 37-Crystal Ascension, 40-At Day's End-Rest, 42-Wheel of Life, 43-Celebrate Life, 44-Integration

Dreyer's art clearly expresses her "passionate interest in the supernatural, fantasy, and esoteric world as well as a deep love of nature." Colors are vibrant and varied, ranging from cool to warm in shades of purple, blue, green, red, orange, yellow, and brown. The images have a distinctly fantasy feel and are alive with movement and mood. Animals play an important role in many of the images. For example, a zebra is depicted in 29-Balance, a deer in 4-Gratitude, cats in 40-At Day's End-Rest, a bear in 8-The Healer, and a wolf in 19-A Nurturing Heart-Mother. Each chakra is personified in a beautiful woman and the card is painted in the color associated with that chakra.

—Zanna Starr, Tarot Notes

In her introduction, Dreyer states that this deck was created to honor, celebrate, and reconnect to Nature, Spirit, and the Divine Feminine in all her forms: the angel, fairy, goddess, the maiden, mother, and crone. The cards in this deck were arranged to  take the reader on a sequential journey to help the reader to awaken and discover their own unique path.

The cards are meant to assist an individual in making lifestyle changes that bring them into alignment with their higher self.  The cards are meant to gently share their wisdom with you, as well as the wisdom of the universe, allowing the reader to find their soul purpose.

The cards themselves are 3 ½” by 5 ¼”, with a matte finish. The backs shown Dreyer’s diverse background as a fantasy artist and graphic designer, with interests in the supernatural, fantasy, and esoteric, along with her love of nature. The colors are the colors of the chakra system (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple). The imagery includes the Tree of Life, the seven chakras, the moon cycles, and more.

The card faces show a 1.4” beige border, with the card number and name across the top in black lettering against a yellow background, with an affirmation in the “voice” of card along the bottom, in the same black lettering against a yellow background. The images are beautifully done in pastels, with a fantasy look to them. Elemental symbols are placed in the four corners of each card.

I love the imagery in this deck – the Fire Elemental show a female figure standing, with her arms outstretched, in a red dress. Flames are coming from her hands, flames surround the hem of her dress, and back light her head and upper body. The Archangel Gabriel shows a female figure, with blond hair, dressed in white, with white wings. In her right hand she carrier a bouquet of white flowers.

From the introduction:

“The purpose of these cards is also to awaken you to the beautiful, unique Human being that you are and to remind you that you have valuable gifts and lessons to share with all of humanity.”

 —Bonnie Cehovet

Honoring angel, fairy, goddess, maiden, mother, and crone, these 44 elegantly beautiful cards capture the power of spirit infusing the earth plane. The magical environment of each card summons the observer to join the lady who inhabits that environment and participate in the celebration of the particular wisdom which she represents.

Meditated on sequentially, the cards create a journey, from awakening to integration, which is filled with wisdom and enlightenment. Individually, each card is a trigger which releases intuitive  information and insight. This deck is a delight and your muses and spirit helpers will love it as much as you do.

—Anna Jedrziewski,
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