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Heavenly Angel Oracle Deck
Heavenly Angel Oracle Deck
Not rated yet
  • $23.95

It is said that our lives are governed by a powerful army of celestial beings who protect, advise and give us the most suitable tools for our spiritual and physical growth. Angels are beings of pure spirit who bring their messages to Earth; we can access these messages through this deck of oracle cards. Each card represents an angel from one of the major religious traditions and has a unique meaning to inspire us and help us grow. Includes 50 cards and 64-page full-color illustrated guidebook.

    • SKU
    • Weight
      1 lb(s)
  • ISBN
  • Size
    Box measures 3.34” x 5.35”; 50 cards measure 3” x 5”
  • Language
  • Author
    by Angemì Rabiolo
  • Artist
    Iris Biasio

What Customers Are Saying About Heavenly Angel Oracle Deck

I love modern Angel decks and this one is so cute! I like to see angels represented in different ways and this graphic novel, super hero approach just really charmed me. There are angels from different religious traditions, and there were some that I had never seen before which was awesome! I loved that inclusivity. The way the guidebook is set up is simple and easy to use.  We have the color thumbnail, characteristics, a paragraph of information about that angel’s energy and finally, keeping with the superhero theme, we have the “powers” section which made me smile. I noticed that there were angels that represented guardians of certain zodiac signs and birth dates but not all of them are represented in the deck which was a bit disappointing. I almost wish there were more cards so that they all could be included. Nevertheless, this deck is fun and inclusive and if you are into working with angel decks and you love comic books or graphic novels, this deck is a fun and charming combination of the two.
Robyn's Reflections, Tarot collector & YouTuber

Right off the color scheme of this angel deck was different than any other kind I have seen. Usually it's soft and angelic, but this deck is bold colored with lots of "actions" depicted in the art. The use of yellow, blue, and red reminds me a lot of the basic RWS tarot color schemes. This oracle blends in well with traditional RWS decks. I loved learning about the Angels from many different traditions and cultures. The book actually talks in the intro about the amazing amount of Angel's available to us. But the deck only brings in a few of each to encourage farther exploration on our own.
My favorite angels in this deck are the moon angels. I didn't even know they existed. The card stock is thick so it's not great for a riffle, but sturdy and will withstand repetitive use.
It's a great deck for anyone working or looking to work with angels. It is brilliant for daily draws or guardian requests during specific times.
—Summer Ross (AstariaSen), YouTuber
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